Parkgate & Neston URC logo

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve God through worship and service in ways that will build His Kingdom of love among all people.

About Us

We are a friendly Christian church, based in the small town of Neston, Wirral, Cheshire, midway between Liverpool and Chester.

Minister Local Church Leader Church Secretary Church Treasurer
Revd. Ruth Wilson Mrs Sheila Davies Mrs Ann Clowes Mr Mike Shipman

For Hall and room bookings please contact Alan Meehan, email, 0151 336 7643

The Church's Safeguarding Policy is at the bottom of this page


I am very happy to be moved into the community here in Parkgate and Neston, and look forward to getting a landline and broadband connected to the manse on Friday this week.
Thank you all for your support, cards and flowers of welcome into the area, it has felt like a long six months but was well worth the wait.
June for me is an important month as it marks the end of my two-year Church Leadership Programme (CLP) training.
Over the last two years I have met with my fellow CLP team members and tutors regularly, sometimes at residentials in Leeds and in between these we have met on weekly Zoom training sessions.
The programme has consisted of learning new techniques for discussing and discerning the most appropriate way forward for church elders and members as we consider the life and work of the church as well as engagement with the wider community.
Each session began with lectio divina - where a passage from scripture (of no more than five verses) were selected by our tutors from Mark’s gospel and one of the group members was invited to read it through slowly.  As it was being read, we were invited to notice what arises within us as we read or heard it the first time.
Then it was read again slowly, by a different group member and then again by another group member.  Each time we noticed what words or phrases spoke to us and the feelings that arose.
At the end of the third reading our group discussed whatever stirred within us.  With three different voices reading and giving emphasis to different parts of the reading we gained new insight.
How God spoke to us all was very interesting.  It was delightful when the topics highlighted to different group members were markedly different – giving others new insight into how scripture is speaking to people.
It was also a real eye opener when a passage that has been heard frequently raised something that hadn’t before ever been noticed.
In conversation with my fellow group members, there has been sharing of joys and concerns, problem solving ideas and reading recommendations.  We have set up our own WhatsApp group and chat regularly offering support and encouragement to one another. 
On Friday this week I will be in Leeds once again for the final residential session to mark the end of the course.  It is here that we each present our Project updates to the CLP tutors and group members.  The project should be a personal development plan which can be a new, or long dormant activity, that brings us joy. We have already agreed with the tutors what our project is and agreed to start or re-start it in order to help us, and our ministries, flourish.  
If you are looking for spiritual guidance on any matter I would recommend trying Lectio Divina, I found the following passages helpful: Mark 1:9-11, Mark 1:14-15, Mark 1:16-20, Mark 1:29-34, Mark 1:35-39.
Grace and blessings, Ruth

Parkgate and Neston United Reformed Church Safeguarding Policy
Our policy aims to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. This includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised.
It is approved and endorsed by the Elders and applies to:
• All members of our church
• All those who attend and serve our church/place of worship and its services
• Our Trustees and Elders
• Paid staff (both internal and external eg contractors or consultants)
• Volunteers
• Organisations and groups which hire our building with written agreement to operate under the church safeguarding policy.
You can obtain further details, and contact our Safeguarding Officers, through the email address or telephone number at the foot of each page.