Parkgate & Neston URC logo

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve God through worship and service in ways that will build His Kingdom of love among all people.

About Us

We are a friendly Christian church, based in the small town of Neston, Wirral, Cheshire, midway between Liverpool and Chester.

Minister Local Church Leader Church Secretary Church Treasurer
Revd. Ruth Wilson Mrs Sheila Davies Mrs Ann Clowes Mr Mike Shipman

For Hall and Room Booking enquiries, please contact us at or 07377 250511.

Message from the Manse

I don’t know about you, but I love Autumn. The changing colours of the trees, the damp, misty early mornings and the beautiful sunsets as the evenings begin to draw in.
With the warmer days of summer being blown away on the autumn breeze the church will soon be celebrating Harvest Festival before moving on to the next festival season Advent.
But I’d like to press the pause button for a while to enable us to reflect on Autumn and the challenges it brings for some people.
With the warmth fading we begin to switch our central heating on to keep our homes warm – if we haven’t already. 
We settle in for evenings in front of the television, reading a book or perhaps a craft activity on our living rooms with a nice cup of tea to maybe even a sneaky chocolate biscuit or two.
But spare a thought for those who don’t have this luxury….
Our harvest collection will be for the Foodbank – to give support to individuals, couples and families who are struggling to make ends meet. 
For people in this situation there is not the option of turning up the thermostat a few degrees or putting a hearty casserole in the oven to feed the family and keep them warm.
The cost of gas and electricity will be rising again in October - just before the start of the cold season - meaning that people with limited incomes will be challenged even further to make ends meet. 
Foodbank packages for their users provide three days of food and is not intended as a solution to the problems but a stop-gap to help them through tough times. 
Let us give thanks for the work of all Foodbanks across our nation and hope and pray that whilst there remains a need for their services, there are generous people who are willing to contribute and live out their faith – let Parkgate & Neston URC be a safe place like the city in Psalm 107 that helps those in need: 
Psalm 107: 1-9 (NLT)
1. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.
2. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
3. For he has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east and west, from north and south.
4. Some wandered in the wilderness, lost and homeless.
5. Hungry and thirsty, they nearly died.
6. “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress.
7. He led them straight to safety, to a city where they could live.
8. Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
9. For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
So let us give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and let us, as disciples of Christ, show and share that love with all who are in need.
Blessings, Ruth


Parkgate and Neston URC Safeguarding Policy
The aim of the policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. This includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised.
It is approved and endorsed by the Elders and applies to:
• All members of our church
• All those who attend and serve our church/place of worship and its services
• Our Trustees and Elders
• Paid staff (both internal and external eg contractors or consultants)
• Volunteers
• Organisations and groups which hire our building with written agreement to operate under the church safeguarding policy.
You can obtain further details, and contact our Safeguarding Officers, through the following email address or tel 0151 339 9149