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Booking Information & Policies

Important Information for Bookings
Download Hall Booking Form 2024

Terms and Conditions of Hire for the P&N URC Community Hall

  1. All hire charges must be paid in accordance with the schedule on page 2 of the booking form.
  2. Provided there is no previous or subsequent planned use for the rooms, ‘setting up’ and clearing up’ times are permitted, not exceeding thirty minutes. If additional time is required, this should be reflected in the booking.
  3. The Church gives no warranty that the premises are legally or physically suitable for the purposes of the Hirer.
  4. The Hirer is liable to the Church for the proper use of the premises and of the Church’s property, and for the conduct of the people using the premises in connection with the hiring. The Hirer agrees to the Church for any expenses incurred in consequence of loss or damage to the premises, equipment, furniture, grounds, etc. however caused by the Hirer or by any person whom the Hirer has invited or permitted onto the premises.
  5. The Hirer is liable for any loss or damage to neighbouring property and to the property of persons on the property in connection with the hiring and for any personal injuries sustained.
  6. The Hirer may not bring any electrical apparatus on to the premises without the prior agreement of the Church. If agreed, such equipment must comply with all current safety legislation.
  7. The Hirer must ensure that any children or vulnerable adults present are protected in accordance with best practice, legal and insurance requirements. The Hirer must adhere to their organisation’s, or the Church’s, safeguarding policy. A copy of the Church’s policy is available on request.
  8. The Hirer is responsible for the efficient supervision of the premises including effective control of all those present and the orderly and safe evacuation of persons from the premises in the event of an emergency. In addition, the Hirer must respect the rights of those using other parts of the building.
  9. Except for ‘one off’ hirings, the Church reserves the right to cancel a hiring when the premises are required for the Church’s own use. The Church shall not be liable for any loss or expense suffered by the hirer in exercise of this right.
  10. The Church reserves the right to cancel a hiring and to stop any use of the premises that is not properly conducted. Any use of the premises that threatens the safety of any persons or of the Church’s property may be cancelled at any time.
  11. To comply with current legislation smoking and the sale of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on any of the Church premises. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the building only by prior agreement of the Church.
  12. The Hirer undertakes to allow members of the Church’s governing body to enter and view the premises during the hiring to ensure that arrangements have been made for proper use and supervision, including compliance with any licensing, police and fire requirements and regulations.
  13. The benefit of the hiring is personal to the Hirer and is not assignable; the Hirer shall not sublet the premises or any part thereof. No rooms may be used except those specified in the hiring agreement, nor for any other purpose than that specified in the hiring agreement.
  14. The Hirer must not leave any goods or apparatus on the premises unless authorised by the Church.
  15. No litter may be left on the premises. The Hirer must leave the premises, including the kitchen and equipment used, in a clean and tidy state and any tables, chairs, etc. that are used must be returned to the position and in the condition in which they were found. Small amounts of waste material should be placed in the appropriate recycling container but, where the hiring includes catering, the hirer must remove all related refuse.
  16. Vehicles are parked in the Church grounds at the owner’s risk.
  17. Any damage caused to Church property during a hiring should be reported within 24 hours and any accident causing personal injury which occurs in the Church buildings or grounds must be reported to the Church immediately after the injured person has been treated and made safe. The Hirer must complete the appropriate form in each case.
  18. This licence may be terminated by either party by four weeks written notice. Service of notice is sufficient if sent by second class post to the Hirer’s contact address. Notice to the Church is sufficient if sent by second class post.
  19. Hirers with their own Public Liability insurance must submit a copy of the schedule for approval by the church before the date of the proposed hiring.
  20. Health, safety & fire regulations are displayed in the foyer and on the church’s website

Parkgate & Neston United Reformed Church Safeguarding Policy

1. Aim and purpose of this policy

The aim of this policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. This includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised.

Who this policy applies to

This policy is approved and endorsed by the Elders and applies to:

Principles underpinning the policy


The term ‘children’ refers to those under the age of 18 years. The term ‘adult at risk’ refers to any adult aged 18 or over who, by reason of mental or other disability, age, illness or other situation, are permanently, or for time being, unable to take care of themselves, or to protect themselves against significant harm, abuse or exploitation.

Duty of care and confidentiality

We have a duty of care to all beneficiaries of the church, whether children or adults. We will always maintain confidentiality, except in circumstances where to do so would place the individual or another individual at risk of harm or abuse.

2. Creating a safer culture

We are committed to creating a safer culture in our church which will help us to prevent harm from occurring and provide an environment in which all can flourish. We will:

3. Ensuring safer activities

Whilst it is not possible to guard against every eventuality, we are committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for activities both on and off church premises. We will:

4. Recognising and responding to concerns

We acknowledge that, although promoting Safer Culture and Safer Activities will help to protect all those in contact with the church, some concerns will inevitably arise and we are committed to responding well in such circumstances. We will:

5. Managing allegations and people who may pose a risk to others

Where allegations are made against individuals within the Church, we are committed to following all required investigative and regulatory procedures. We will work in collaboration with the Synod, wider Church staff, statutory agencies and other relevant organisations. We will:

6. Supporting victims and survivors

The key principle underpinning our policy and practice in this area is that all those who have experienced abuse, whether recently or in the past ‘will be listened to and offered the pastoral care and support they deem appropriate and relevant, irrespective of type of abuse, context, or when this occurred’ We will:

7. Key Contacts

Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Jill Mackeen
0151 3367528
Deputy Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Catherine Maddaford
URC Safeguarding Office
(This should only be used if you are unable to contact your Synod Safeguarding Office)
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
4 Civic Way Ellesmere Port Cheshire
0151 337 4570

8. Review

This policy will be reviewed annually, updated as required and adopted by the church meeting. Date of most recent review: March 2024 Date of next review: March 2025 Signed (on behalf of the Elders of Parkgate & Neston URC) by Ann Clowes, Church Secretary

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